
Work address: Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University, Beer Sheva 84105, Israel. Telephone: +972-8-6428665.
Home address: 14 Gilboa St. Reut 71799. Telephone: +972-52-6839384
B.Sc. (summa cum laude) 1985-1988, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel, Department of Chemistry.
Ph.D. 1988-1993, University of California, Berkeley, California, USA. Department of Chemistry.
Adviser: Professor Alexander Pines.
Title of thesis: Double Rotation NMR Studies of Zeolites and Aluminophosphate Molecular Sieves.
Courses Taught
Elementary and Analytical Chemistry, B.Sc. level - Ben-Gurion University
Analytical Chemistry – B.Sc. level, Ben-Gurion University
General Chemistry – B.Sc. level, Ben-Gurion University
Biomolecular Analysis by Computers – M.Sc. level, Ben-Gurion University
Selected Topics in Biophysical Chemistry – M.Sc. level, Ben-Gurion University
Biomimetic and Bio-inspired Chemistry – M.Sc. level, Ben Gurion University
Bionanotechnology – M.Sc. level, Ben Gurion University
Recent Teaching Ranking (student grading, 1 to 5 scale, 5 is maximum score)
2014 Analytical Chemistry. Overall grade: 4.7 out of 5 (Faculty of Natural Sciences average: 3.7)
2014 General Chemistry. Overall grade: 4.8 out of 5 (Faculty of Natural Sciences average: 3.7)
2010 Analytical and Elementary Chemistry. Overall grade: 4.7 out of 5 (Faculty of Natural Sciences average: 3.6)
Research Students
Yossi Peretz, current M.Sc. student. Ben Gurion University
Orit Malka, current M.Sc. student. Ben Gurion University
Ravit Malishev, current Ph.D. student. Ben Gurion University
Ahiud Morag, current Ph.D. student. Ben Gurion University
Xiuxiu Yin, current Ph.D. student. Ben Gurion University
Gil Choona, current M.Sc. student. Ben Gurion University
Margarita Ritenberg, current Ph.D. student. Ben Gurion University
Shachar Avraham, M.Sc. 2015. Ben-Gurion University
Alexander Trachtenberg, M.Sc. 2015. Ben-Gurion University
Ella Mann, M.Sc. 2015. Ben-Gurion University
Noga Gal, M.Sc. 2014. Ben-Gurion University
Liron Philosof, Ph.D. 2013, Ben-Gurion University
Liron Silbert, Ph.D. 2013, Ben-Gurion University
Shani Eliyahu, Ph.D. 2011, Ben-Gurion University
Natalie Groisman, Ph.D. 2009. Ben-Gurion University
Tania Sheynis, Ph.D. 2009. Ben-Gurion University
Roman Volinsky, PhD 2007. Ben-Gurion University
Marina Katz, PhD 2007. Ben-Gurion University
Ahiud Morag, M.Sc. 2013, Ben-Gurion University
Yelena Demirovsky, M.Sc. 2013, Ben-Gurion University
Anat Friediger, M.Sc. 2013, Ben-Gurion University
Alina Mogilevski, M.Sc. 2011. Ben-Gurion University
Ehud Bazar, M.Sc. 2011. Ben-Gurion University
Amit Shtainfeld, M.Sc. 2010. Ben-Gurion University
Or Raifman, M.Sc. 2010. Ben-Gurion University
Nirit Hanin, M.Sc. 2009. Ben-Gurion University
Noa Markovich, M.Sc. 2008. Ben-Gurion University
Sarit Fridman, M.Sc. 2008. Ben-Gurion University
Izek Ben Shlush, M.Sc. 2008. Ben-Gurion University
Miri Sokolovsky, M.Sc. 2008. Ben-Gurion University
Alex Pevzner, M.Sc. 2008. Ben-Gurion University
Dror Meir, M.Sc. 2007. Ben-Gurion University
Elena Shtelman, M.Sc. 2005. Ben-Gurion University
Revital Halevi, M.Sc. 2004. Ben-Gurion University
Shoshana Rozner, M.Sc. 2003. Ben-Gurion University
Danilo Malferrari, visiting research student. 2011
Magalie Lebreton, visiting research student. 2003 – 2004
Julia Gevin, visiting research student. 2003 – 2004
Damien Evrard, visiting research student. 1999 – 2001
Laurent Boyer, visiting research student. 1997 – 1999
Post-doctoral Fellows
Dr. Nagappa Teradal (Ph.D. Karnatak University, Dharwad, India ) 2016 – current.
Dr. Sagarika Bhattacharya (Ph.D. ) 2015 – current.
Dr. Susanta Kumar Bhunia (Ph.D. Jadavpur University, Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, Kolkata, India ) 2015 – current.
Dr. Sukhendu Nandi (Ph.D. University of Wuppertal, Germany) 2013 – 2016. Current position: postdoc Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany
Dr. Hao Jiang (Ph.D.) 2013 – 2015. Current position: postdoc University of Duisburg, Germany
Dr. Vinod Pattaj (Ph.D. Kongju National University, Korea) 2012 – 2015. Current position: postdoc University Kansas
Dr. Tania Sheynis (Ph.D. Ben-Gurion University) 2009 – 2011. Current position: Marie-Curie post-doctoral fellow, University of Leeds, UK.
Dr. Marina Katz (Ph.D. Ben-Gurion University) 2007 – 2010. Current position: Research Scientist, Teva Ltd.
Dr. Myint Myint Khine (Ph.D. Halle University, Germany) 2007 – 2009. Current position: Assistant Professor, Yangon University, Myanmar
Dr. Roman Volinsky (Ph.D. Ben-Gurion University) 2007 – 2009. Current position: Research Associate, Aalto University, Finland.
Dr. Zuly Orynbayeva (Ph.D. Almaty University) 2002 – 2007. Current position: Research Professor, Drexel University.
Dr. Yogesh Scindia (Ph.D. IIT Bombay) 2004 – 2006. Current position: Research Associate, University of Virginia
Dr. Fabien Gaboriaud (Ph.D. Rennes University, France) 2000 – 2002. Current position: Research Director, Michelin Srl., Nancy, France.
Dr. Ramesh Jaganathan (Ph.D. IISc Bangalore) 1998 – 2000
Dr. Nagarajao Suryaprakash (Ph.D. IISc, Bangalore) 1997 – 1999. Current position: Professor, IISc, Banglaore.
Dr. Sofiya Kolusheva (Ph.D. Tashkent University) 1997 – 2002. Current position: Staff Scientist, Ilse Katz Institute of Nanotechnology, BGU.
Honors, Citation Awards
1986: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel – Dean's List
1987: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel – Dean's List
1988: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel – Dean's List
1988: Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel – Rector's Prize
1988: Israel's Knesset, Student Speaker, National Award Ceremony for Distinguished Students
1998: Siegel-Roger-Brown Prize, the Israel Academy of Science and Humanities
2003: Participant, the 1st Middle East Frontiers of Science and Engineering Conferences, Istanbul (among 25 selected leading scientists and engineers from Israel
2008 – 2010: Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service, Senior Fellowship Award, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), USA
2009: Toronto Prize for Research Excellence, Ben-Gurion University
2011: Distinguished Lecturer Award, Ben-Gurion University
1994 – 1997: Cancer Research Institute Post-Doctoral Fellowship
1997: Visiting Scientist Fellowship. The British Royal Society and Israel Academy of Sciences
1999: JSPS Fellowship, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
1999 – 2000: MOSA-CNR Italy-Israel Travel Grant
2000: TMR European Union Travel Grant, Center for Design and Structure in Biology, IMB Jena, Germany
2003 – 2004: Keshet/Arc-de-Ciele France-Israel Scientist Exchange Program
2008: NATO-Science-for-Peace Exchange Fellowship
Prizes Awarded to Research Students in the Jelinek Laboratory
Dr. Sukhendu Nandi, 2013-2014, Kreitman Post-doctoral Fellowship, Ben Gurion University
Margarita Ritenberg, 2012-2015, “Negev” PhD Fellowship, Ben Gurion University
Margarita Ritenberg, 2012, Efrima Excellence Prize, IKI, Ben Gurion University
Noga Gal, 2012, Shariv Prize, Chemistry Department, BGU
Ahiud Morag, 2012, Shariv Prize, Chemistry Department, BGU
Ahiud Morag, 2011, Efrima Excellence Prize, IKI, Ben Gurion University
Liron Mazor-Philosof, 2010, Intel Prize, Intel Israel
Ehud Bazar, 2010, Zingerman Prize, Chemistry Department, BGU
Liron Silbert, 2009, Shariv Prize, Chemistry Department, BGU
Liron Philosof, 2008-2012, Negev Fellowship, Ben-Gurion University
Izek Ben Shlush, 2008, Dean Prize, Faculty of Natural Sciences, BGU
Marina Katz, 2007, Shariv Prize, Chemistry Department, BGU
Tania Sheynis, 2007, Orchin prize, awarded at 72nd ICS meeting, Tel-Aviv, Israel
Tania Sheynis, 2006, Shariv Prize, Chemistry Department, BGU
Roman Volinsky, 2006, Orchin Prize, Chemistry Department, BGU
Tania Sheynis, 2005, Amnon Zingerman prize, Chemistry Department, BGU
Tania Sheynis, 2004, Dean Prize for MSc Degree, Faculty of Natural Sciences, BGU
Roman Volinsky, 2004, Intel Prize, Intel Israel Ltd
Roman Volinsky, 2003, TevaTech Prize, Teva Ltd
2021-2022: MoST Italy-Israel Cooperation Grant,
Co-PI: Raz Jelinek, Paola Galetti "Biobased and Biodegradable Carbon Dot-Polymeric Nanofibrous Membranes for Solar-Assisted Water Remediation and Oil Spill Cleanup" -
2020-2021: Bergida Fund,
PI: Raz Jelinek "Aromatic carbon dots - a new therapeutic vehicle for Parkinson’s disease" -
2020-2024: Israel Science Foundation Personal Grant,
PI: Raz Jelinek "Carbon dots as new antibacterial and antiviral agents" -
2019-2021: “Kamin” Program,
PI: Raz Jelinek "Supercapacitors for work in high frequencies" -
2019-2021: Ministry of Energy Grant,
Co-PI: Raz Jelinek + Zeev Zalevsky "Wirelessly-charged micro-supercapacitors for reduced energy loss in microelectronics" -
2018-2019: BG3C, Cincinnati Children's Hospital and Ben Gurion University,
Co-PI: Raz Jelinek + David Morales, Zafar Farhan "Non-invasive Continuous Heart Monitor (NICHe Monitor)" -
2018-2021: Horizon 2020 Secured Society Grant,
Co-PI: Raz Jelinek + 8 participants "COSMIC; "CBRNE Detection in Containers"" -
2017-2018: MoD Grant,
PI: Raz Jelinek "Novel gas sensor for volatile materials" -
2017-2020: Horizon 2020 Grant,
Co-PI: Raz Jelinek + 7 participants "Capturing non-Amplified Tumor Circulating DNA with Ultrasound Hydrodynamics" -
2017-2021: Pazy Foundation Grant,
Co-PIs: Raz Jelinek, Ofra Paz-Tal "Molecular design and self-assembly of polydiacetylene (PDA)-ligand arrays: A potential tool for radionuclide sensing" -
2017-2020: National Grant for Applied and Engineering Research, Ministry of Science and Technology,
Co-PIs: Raz Jelinek, Dani Mandler, Sharon Marx "New platform for monitoring and speciation of nanoparticles" -
2017-2018: China-Israel Cooperative Scientific Research Grant, Ministry of Science and Technology,
Chief Scientist: R. Jelinek "Carbon quantum dots coupled to metal nanoparticles: properties and applications" -
2017-2018: Marcus Foundation,
Co-PI: Raz Jelinek, Shai Arnon "Carbon quantum dot "light tracers" for monitoring light exposure in aquatic systems" -
2016-2018: "Kamin” Program, Ministry of Trade,
Chief Scientist: R. Jelinek "Supercapacitors based upon gold/graphene electrodes" -
2016-2019: "Applied Science and Engineering” Grant Program, Ministry of Science and Technology,
co-PIs: R. Jelinek, Zeev Zalevsky "Active solar concentrators through a novel piezoelectric nanoparticle/sol-gel design" -
2016-2017: The Louis and Bessie Stein Fellowship,
co-PIs: Raz Jelinek, J.L. Poggio “Biophysical patterns and clinical aspects of colon tumor mitochondrial membranes” -
2015-2016: “Nofar” Program, Ministry of Trade and Industry,
PI: R. Jelinek “Monitoring pollutants in drinking water” -
2015: Israel Science Foundation Equipment Grant,
co-PIs: R. Jelinek, A. Bernheim, S. Cohen “Scanning confocal microscope” -
2014-2018: Israel Science Foundation Individual Grant,
PI: R. Jelinek “Au thiocyanate – a new building block for gold nanotechnology” -
2013-2016: US-Israel Binational Agriculture Research and Development Fund (BARD) grant,
co-PIs: R. Jelinek, P. Dawson, T. Hanks, W. Pennington, J. Northcutt “Bacterial sensors for food processing environments” -
2013-2014: M.F.S. Fund, Ben Gurion University,
PI: R. Jelinek “Single step assembly of ultrathin transparent conductive metal films” -
2013-2014: Israel-Czech Republic Science Cooperation grant,
co-PIs: R. Jelinek, M. Hof “Membrane interactions of proteins associated with Alzheimer’s disease; implications for diseases’ pathologies and therapeutic avenues” -
2012: ISF Institutional Equipment Grant, R. Jelinek, Y. Golan, J. Kost “Fast scanning microscope”
2012 - 2013: “Nevet” BGU-Technion Cooperation Grant,
co-PIs: R. Jelinek, A. Porgador, M. Aviram “Chromaric nanoparticle-based cardiovascular diagnostic technology” -
2012-2013: Kamin grant, Ministry of Trade and Industry,
R. Jelinek “Novel bottom-up nanolithography technology for production of transparent conductive electrodes employed in electronic and photonic devices” -
2011-2015: US-Israel BSF,
co-PIs: R. Jelinek, J. Hanes “Mucus transport and membrane interactions of gene carriers” -
2011-2015: MoST Infrastructure Grant,
co-PIs: R. Jelinek, S. Richter, Z. Zalevsky “Electronic and nanophotonic devices based upon new molecular and soft lithography methods” -
2010: Britain-Israel Research and Academic Partnership (BIRAX) grant,
co-PIs: R. Jelinek, S. Radford “Membrane interactions of amyloid fibrils and pre-fibril oligomers – a fundamental toxicity factor?” -
2009-2010: “Nevet” BGU-IIT Cooperation Grant, co-PIs: R. Jelinek, D. Seliktar
“Biomimetic hydrogels labeled with chromatic polymer nanoparticles for studying cell motility” -
2009-2010: MoST Israel-Ukraine Research Grant, co-PIs: R. Jelinek, M. Aviram, O. Kuzmenko
“Biomimetic chromatic platforms for analysis of membrane-associated oxidative stress processes and disease diagnosis” -
2008-2009: BGU Internal Interdisciplinary Research Grant Award, co-PIs: R. Jelinek, A. Porgador, I. Sikular, Y. Shemer
“Development of Biomimetic Membrane-Based Diagnostic Assay for HCV Prognosis and Treatment Efficacy” -
2007-2011: German-Israel Project Cooperation (DIP), co-PIs: R. Jelinek, G. Lederkremer, E. Gazit, N. Ben-Tal, U. Hartl, J. Tatzelt, J. Hohfeld
“Integrated in vivo, in vitro and in silico studies of protein misfolding diseases” -
2006: Wolfson Academic Infrastructure Grant, R. Jelinek (PI) “Live-cell confocal imaging microscope”
2006-2009: Israel Science Foundation grant, R. Jelinek (PI) “Chromatic lipid/polymer films for studying membrane processes”
2006–2010: R. Jelinek, Member, BIOCONTROL, Marie Curie Research Training Network (RTN),
funded under the EU 6th program (FP6-2005-Mobility-1). “Bio-interfaces: From Molecular Understanding to Application” -
2005: Israel Science Foundation Equipment grant – co-PIs: R. Jelinek, Y. Amitay, A. Rudich. "Live cell imaging microscope"
2004–2007: Human Frontiers Science Program – co-PIs: R. Jelinek, E. Gizeli (IMBB Crete, Greece), A. Ouellette (University of California,
Irvine), J. Kondoh (Shizuoka University, Japan). "Mechanisms of antimicrobial peptide interactions with the target cell membrane" -
2005-2007: German-Israel R&D Cooperation BIO-DISC PROGRAM (BMBF- MOST Cooperation in Biotechnology): Co-PIs:
G. Lederkramer (TAU), R. Jelinek, N. Ben-Tal (TAU), E. Gazit (TAU),
U. Hartl (Max Planck Ins), J. Hoehfeld (U. Bonn). "Defeating protein misfolding diseases" -
2002-2006: “Pharmalogica” MAGNET industry-academy consortium – R. Jelinek (PI)
“A New Colorimetric Sensor for Screening of Molecular Penetration Through Lipid Barriers:
Blood-Brain Barrier, Gastrointestinal Mucosa, and Stratum Corneum” -
2002-2006: US-Israel Binational Science Foundation [BSF] Grant – R. Jelinek (co-PI),
A.J. Ouellette, University of California, Irvine (co-PI) - “Novel biomimetic approaches to investigate defensin microbicidal mechanisms” -
2003: DPharm Inc. – R. Jelinek (PI) "Determination of membrane binding and penetration of BAPTA analogs"
2003: Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ben-Gurion University – co-PIs: R. Jelinek, B. Horovitz, A. Berman, M. Feingold
“Conducting polymers as bio-sensors” -
2003-2005: Institute for Security Research, Technion - R. Jelinek (PI)
"A biosensor system for identification of biological and chemical warfare substances” -
2001-2004: Israel Science Foundation Grant – R. Jelinek (PI)
“Novel bio-mimetic colorimetric sensors for studying biomolecular recognition at membranes” -
2000-2001: Harry Stern Foundation for Applied Research – R. Jelinek (PI) “Color kits for rapid bio-medical and environmental diagnostics”
1999: The Institute of Applied Biosciences, Ben-Gurion University – R. Jelinek (co-PI), J.P. Lelouche (co-PI), J. Eichler (co-PI)
“Diacetylenic and archaeal lipids as dual components of novel polymerized biosensor vesicles” -
1999-2006: Minerva Center. Co-PI: R. Jelinek, M. Gottlieb, A. Berman, R. Yerushalmi, O. Regev
“Mesoscale engineering of biological and synthetic polymeric materials” -
1998-2001: US-Israel Binational Science Foundation [BSF] Grant. R. Jelinek (Co-PI), D. Charych (Co-PI)
“Structural studies of molecular recognition and interfacial catalysis using polymerized biosensor vesicles” -
1998-1999: Israel Anti Drug Authority. R. Jelinek (Co-PI), Z. Goren (Co-PI)
“Development of advanced analytical NMR techniques for identification and characterization of illicit drugs” -
1998: Institute for Applied Science, Ben-Gurion University. R. Jelinek (Co-PI), A. Berman (Co-PI)
“Study of membrane signaling and nucleotide recognition by colorimetric sensors” -
1998: Israel Academy of Science, Siegel-Roger-Brown Research Prize.
1997-2000: Israel Science Foundation Grant. R. Jelinek (PI) “NMR studies of combinatorial peptide libraries”
1997: Israel Science Foundation Equipment Grant – R. Jelinek (Co-PI), R. Glaser (Co-PI), S. Cohen (Co-PI) High Resolution MAS NMR Probe
2015: Visiting Professor, New York University-Shanghai
2010 – present: Full Professor, Ben-Gurion University, Department of Chemistry
2008 – 2010: Visiting Associate Professor, Johns Hopkins University, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
2005 – 2007: Chairman, Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University
2004 – 2010: Associate Professor, Ben-Gurion University, Department of Chemistry
2001 – 2004: Senior Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University, Department of Chemistry
1996 – 2001: Lecturer, Ben-Gurion University, Department of Chemistry
1997: Visiting Scientist, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemistry
1993 – 1996: Cancer Research Institute Postdoctoral Fellow, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Chemistry
1988 – 1993: Research Assistant, University of California Berkeley, Department of Chemistry
Positions in Academic Administration
2013 – present: Head, PhD Committee, Nantechnology PhD track, Ilse Katz Institute for Nanotechnology
2012 – present: Head, Students Appeal Tribunal, Ben Gurion University
2012: Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, 77th ICS Meeting, Tel-Aviv
2011 - 2012: Member, Promotion Committee, Faculty of Natural Sciences
2010 – present: Member, University Senate
2008 – 2010: Member, Steering Committee, Ilse Katz Institute of Nanotechnology, Ben-Gurion University
2007: Member, President’s Committee for development of an Academic Leadership Program
2005 – 2007: Member, University Senate
2005 - 2006: Director, BGU/Teva Ltd. analytical chemists training program
2006: Chairman, 71th Meeting of the Israel Chemical Society
2004 – 2006: Council Member, VLSI Center, Ben-Gurion University
2003: Fund-raising Coordinator, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Ben Gurion University
2002 – present: Academic Director, Biophysics Laboratory, Ilse Katz Institute of Nanotechnology
2002 – present: Coordinator, Biophysical Chemistry Track, Department of Chemistry, Ben-Gurion University
2002 – 2005: Coordinator, Construction of Nanotechnology Building. Ilse Katz Institute of Nanotechnology, Ben-Gurion University
2000: Founding Member, Ilse Katz Center for Nano- and Mesoscience and Technology (renamed the Ilse Katz Institute of Nanotechnology), Ben-Gurion University
1999 – present: Head, Admission Committee, Chemistry Department, Ben-Gurion University
1999 – present: Organizer, Chemistry Department Open Day
1999: Founding Member, Staedler Minerva Center for Mesoscopic Macromolecular Engineering, Ben-Gurion University
1999: Member, Organizing Committee, Israel Chemical Society Annual Meeting
Professional Functions Outside of the University
2013: Symposium Organizer “Multifunctional polymer-based materials”, MRS Spring Meeting, San Francisco
2012: Member, Scientific Committee, Bioinspired and Biobased Chemistry & Materials Conference, Nice, France
2006 – 2008: Israel Chemical Society Representative, Working Party on Chemistry in Microsystems, EuChemMS
2006 – 2008: Member of the Executive Committee, Israel Chemical Society
2002: Guest Lecturer, General Chemistry, Beersheva Academic College for Engineering
Professional Consulting
2012 – present: Scientific Advisory Board, Cirle Inc., Miami, FL
2010: Ateris Technologies LLC, Bozeman, MT
2009 - 2010: Procter & Gamble Home Products Ltd., Bangalore, India
2006 – 2009: Biosome Inc., Wilmington, DE
2003: D-Pharm Ltd., Rehovot, Israel
Membership in Editorial Boards of Scientific Journals
2011 – present: Sensors (ISSN 1424-8220)
2011 – present: Nanotechnology Reviews
2010 – present: Biosensors (ISSN 2079-6374)
2012 – present: Ministry of Education, University and Research (MIUR)
2010 - 2011: Excellence Initiative (2010), Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG), German Research Foundation – Member of Review Committee (Chemistry)